
What does it mean to be a part of the BPS family

What does it mean to be a part of the BPS family

At BPS we have 5 core values, I want to share them with you now because if you are looking at a potential career with us, we want to prepare you for what you’re about to get yourself into.

At BPS we are these 5 main things, they guide everything we do and believe in! If you feel like they are your values too and this is a culture that you would thrive in, then we would love to hear from you!


We give a lot of feedback! Feedback allows us to learn and grow as a therapist as well as a member of our team. The faster and more frequently we can give you feedback, the fresher the topic is and the faster you hit awesomeness! If you are someone who does not do well with feedback, then BPS may not be the place for you.

We run weekly 1:1 meetings with our team leaders … every week. During which time they are going to hold you accountable for your tasks, your performance and find out any areas where training can be implemented so we can all perform better.

We love direct feedback, tell us like it is!


We know good communication is hard to find, and we do everything in our power to make sure our communication is crystal clear. We want YOU to understand what we are asking of you and we want to understand exactly what YOUR wants and needs are.

We want to make sure our clients really understand what is going on with their bodies, we believe that the power in getting better comes from a deep and thorough understanding of what is really involved.


Our team has a long term career path, we are not looking for someone who is wanting to ‘hang out with us’ for a little while, then moves onto the next shiny thing. We have big plans, a clear 1 year – 3 year – 10 year picture and we want you to be involved with it … every step of the way.

We are all about give and take. We invest a lot in our team when it comes to; team training, up-skilling, learning and growing. And we expect the same level of contribution back. This means giving your all, each and every day, learning and growing with the team, giving back where you can.

Mature communication style, which means; we know we are not right all the time, but you need to be able to stand up and honestly say what you think and ask honest questions.


We bring the energy … always! Everyday!


We ensure that at the end of everyday, at the end of every week we feel successful. Successful in our own personal and professional growth, successful in how we are helping our patients and clients and successful as a team!

Current Positions Available

New Graduate Physiotherapist
For More Info or To Apply
Massage Therapist
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Senior Physiotherapist
Pilates Instructor

Want To Express Your Interest In Future Positions?

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