Breathwork with Julia

Rebirthing Breathwork is conscious connected breathing through the nose. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, dropping us out of ‘fight or flight’ and into ‘rest and digest’. It is in this state that we can allow healing to happen.

What is Rebirthing Breathwork?

Rebirthing Breathwork is conscious connected breathing through the nose. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, dropping us out of ‘fight or flight’ and into ‘rest and digest’. It is in this state that we can allow healing to happen.

Some other benefits may include:

  • Reduced stress and increases energy/aliveness
  • Releases toxins, emotions and stagnant energy
  • Allows old emotions, recurring pain, memories or past traumas to arise and release in a gentle and safe way
  • Opens and enhances creativity and expression

What does a Rebirthing Breathwork session looks like:

A private breathwork session runs for approximately 2 hours.

The first 30 minutes is spent reflecting together on any life challenges and setting an intention.

The breathwork practice runs for approximately 1 hour. You are either lying on your back or seated and will be guided by your practitioner.The final 30 minutes of the session is spent integrating and discussing whatever arose during the breathwork session.

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My mission
I believe that every person already has the tools within to guide them to better health – their intuition! It just needs to be awakened and accessed.

I hold space so that you can feel safe to dive deep into yourself to give you the answers you already have.

What made me become a Breathwork Practitioner?

During my first few years as a physiotherapist, I felt a deep frustration for not having the tools to fully help my patients that were carrying both physical and emotional pain. I always knew I wanted to help patients through more than the physical, hands-on modality only.

There was a point in my life where my own mental and physical health was dictating how I lived. My social life depended on how much pain I was in and I adjusted my work schedule to pain flares or how much energy I had. I knew I was living a life well below my potential and I would try anything and everything to help myself; breathwork being one of the modalities. I still remember my first experience, and likening it to my experience of paragliding in Switzerland. It was freeing. I could feel the emotional trauma relating to my physical pain leave my body. I gained clarity around the next steps I needed to do in order to help regain my health. I’d decided in that session that I HAD to learn how to guide breathwork sessions myself so that I could also do it for my patients.

Who I work with

I believe everyone can benefit from breathwork, however I also know that it’s not for everyone. The reason I say this is because breathwork is a journey of rediscovering yourself, and as a result, change in your life will be inevitable. The unravelling of limiting beliefs and opening of the energy channels in the body brings more opportunities for expansion in life. But the process along the way isn’t always easy and can be hard on the ego.

The people I work with usually have any of these patterns in life:

  • Having repeating patterns in life resulting in an imbalance in your life/health.
  • Having repetitive injuries that always show in times of stress
  • Going through a challenge/hardship
  • Going through relationship intimacy or separation issues
  • They are ready to heal trauma and work on themselves on a deeper level
  • Ready to attract new relationships or experiences into life

Are you living your life with recurring pain? Are you ready to make the change in your life?

You can contact me via [email protected] or call 02 8544 1757 to learn more or book in your next session.