Integration of the whole body is critical in the development and maturation of the nervous system as a child grows. At BPS Tensegrity we view the body as a whole and understand the interconnections between all systems that contribute to play and function.
Our child and family centered approach to paediatric care harnesses your child’s strengths and uses them to challenge their weaknesses. It develops skills beyond those of strength and balance through targeted multi system assessment and bio-mechanics analysis via movement.
How do you asses all of this at BPS?
To gain a thorough understanding of your child we use an assessment tool called the ‘Pyramid of Learning’.
What is the Pyramid of Learning?
This pyramidal diagram summarizes the interconnected nature of the body’s main sensory systems showing that any disturbance in proprioception, motor plan, ocular motor control or behaviour to name a few can directly impact function, learning and behaviour.
It shows that each level of the pyramid relies on the level below it.
The quality of a child’s sensory systems (the second tier) relies on adequate functioning of their central nervous system (the first tier). A child’s ability to plan their own movements, use both the left and right sides of their body efficiently, along with other sensory motor development characteristics (the third tier), relies on the quality of their vision, touch, proprioception and other sensory systems (the second tier).
And a child’s ability to use their eyes and hands in a coordinated manner, their ability to adjust their posture for balance, and other perceptual motor development characteristics (the fourth tier), relies on their ability to plan their own movements, and other sensory motor development characteristics (the third tier).
And a child’s ability to attend to formal, academic learning, eat, bathe, toilet, and perform other cognition intellect characteristics (the fifth tier), relies on their abilities to adjust their posture for balance, and coordinate their eyes and hands together, and other perceptual motor development characteristics (the fourth tier).
This interconnected array of systems rings true in many children and therefore care can not be standardised to a simple bear crawl. Each child requires detailed assessment and specialised programming tailored to their strengths, weakness, interests and engagements.
How do you treat any impairments found?
Appointments will be conducted for either 30min or 60min (as per your child’s needs). These appointments provide tailored private physiotherapy intervention with one of our skilled staff.
The goal of these sessions is to put into practice the therapists detailed treatment plan with the aim of working towards your child’s goals as created in our initial appointment. Depending on your particular diagnosis the treatment plan may look like: manual therapy, exercise through play, postural cueing and re-education, taping, introduction to pilates, gait re-education, gross motor skill development, fine motor skill development, functional task training, ball-skills, attention to task training, or parent education/up-skilling.
Want to learn more?
Why not give our team a call, we are happy to answer any questions you might have about your child’s development.