We use a very specific method of Physiotherapy at BPS Tensegrityknown as Connect Therapy™.
Connect Therapy™ is a specialised assessment and treatment approach that captures the whole picture of your problem, rather than focusing on just the symptoms. Created by Dr Linda-Joy Lee, it is in our eyes, the evolution of physiotherapy and it requires highly developed skills, beyond those of the average physio clinic.
How Does ConnectTherapy™ Work?
The power of Connect Therapy™ lies with its detailed 1 hour initial assessment. During this hour, your physiotherapist will undertake a full body assessment to determine what may be contributing to your problem. This point cannot be understated. Many times a ‘full body assessment’ is taken to mean that a physiotherapist will have a brief look at a patient’s whole body, but in Connect Therapy™ it is so much more than that! A full body assessment in Connect Therapy™ means that every joint from the cranium to the metatarsals is assessed for its ability to transfer load optimally. From this thorough check, a list of areas too ‘keep an eye on’ is created.
The next step in the assessment is to truly understand YOUR concerns. What tasks, movements, positions are you wanting help with. This investigation enables your Physiotherapist to come up with your ‘meaningful task’ and this is a crucial step. By identifying what is troubling you we can now use a highly specific framework to uncover what elements of that task may be going wrong and leading to your symptoms.
By combining your list of area’s to keep an eye on with your meaningful task your physiotherapist is now able to follow the load as it passes through your body and identify what the real causes of your symptoms are.
The aim in Connect Therapy™ is to optimise the function of all areas of the body in order to maximise your ability to move and perform. We understand that it is only by having your whole body moving and transferring loads optimally, that we can in turn, decrease your pain and symptoms and teach you how to stop them from coming back.
What are some examples of presentations that we fix in clinic with Connect Therapy™
Some common presentations that we see at BPS include;
- Lower back pain that results from poor movement strategies in the thoracic spine which limits movement in the lumbar spine, often from poor postural habits or altered breathing patterns.
- Neck pain and headaches that results from a foot being tight or immobile, often from an old ankle sprain.
- Groin pain or hip pain that results from lower limb mechanics that are not optimal, either from a lack of mobility or a lack of control.
- Knee pain that results from stiffness and immobility in the rib cage, resulting in more weight being distributed over the same foot.
These are but just a handful of examples of how other areas of the body can impact another region. Every persons’ pattern is individual as it has been created by their history of movement, past injuries and lifestyle factors. This is why each assessment is tailored to you and involves investigation and detailed analysis between you and your physiotherapist.
Can these injuries be resolved for good?
Yes, yes and YES!
It is important to note that it is a team effort. Resolution of symptoms comes from the joint investigative work of your physiotherapist along side the active input you put into the process. It goes without saying “If nothing changes, nothing changes”. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting.
What we mean by this is that if you don’t put in the work, which includes re-training motor patterns, exercises, possible periods of activity modification etc. then nothing changes. The BPS clients that gain the best results are those that follow their physiotherapists treatment plan to the letter. They participate in their individually tailored exercise program and they turn up to their sessions ready to make a change.
This all sounds complex, will I be able to do this?
We have helped over ten thousand Sydney-siders to date to successfully reach their movement goals.
Throughout this process, your physiotherapist will be educating you on your presenting problem. This understanding of what’s occurring in your body is just as important as the hands on and exercise therapy components of your session. By conducting 60min follow up sessions, our therapists ensure that time is allowed for this important process. Ways to help manage your problem at home will be outlined for you, including a detailed exercise program. It is also common to find that your mobility, power, endurance and strength will improve as you make global improvements to the way your whole body functions.
So … Do you feel you are not recovering from your pain or injury as quickly as you would like?
Do you feel like past injuries are stacking up and impacting your pain further up or down the chain in your body? Do you feel like something is missing from your rehab journey and recovery and you would like a more detailed assessment to find the underlying cause? Then a Connect Therapy™ is likely what you need! Book in today!